FAQ & Documents

Click here for Newcomers Frequently Asked Questions from Al-Anon World Service.

Q) I want to stand for an Area Position, how do I go about doing that?

A) Area Positions for Trusted Servants are filled at Area Assemblies and voted by Group Representatives. Oregon Area practice is to use a SERVICE RESUME (Fillable Form), it is suggested that this is completed 6 weeks prior to the assembly whenever possible & e-mailed to: oregonareaelectionofficial@gmail.com. See Section 7 in the Oregon Area Handbook for the full procedure and Section 2 for position Descriptions.

Q) Where do I find the Treasurer’s Mailing Address?

A) E-Mail the treasurer for the mailing address, treasurer@oregonal-anon.org

Q) What are the new election procedures?

A) Election Procedures are in Section 7 of the Oregon Area Handbook.

Q) I am a new Group Representative (GR), what information might be helpful before Assembly?

A) The following are documents and information that is generally given or shared with Group Representatives at their first Assembly.

Q) At an AWSC/Assembly that is both in-person and with an electronic component, what are the guidelines for those attending virtually?

A) Individuals attending on an electronic platform (e.g., Zoom) are asked to rename themselves (See guide to renaming) and agree to the Oregon Area Al-Anon Hybrid Meeting Participation Guidelines.

Q) How do I submit a Flyer to be added as an event on this website?

A) Review the Flyer Guidelines; Create your Flyer; Send email to flyer to flyerapprovalcommittee@oregonal-anon.org - attach your flyer

Q) Where do I register or change a meeting?

A) To register or change information for a group you will need to work with the Area Group Records Coordinator. Click here for instructions.

Q) What is a Temporary Electronic Meeting?

A) Click here to see the Difference between a Face-to-Face meeting temporarily electronic and an Electronic Meeting.

Q) I want to make a motion, is there a form to fill out.

A) Yes, click here for form. See Oregon Area Handbook Section VI for more information.

Q) Does Oregon keep track of meeting history?

A) Yes, this information is kept in the Area Archives. Please complete one using the GROUP HISTORY FORM and or contact the Area Archives Coordinator to verify a groups information.

Q) Does Al-Anon accept Bequest or can I or someone else donate money to Al-Anon upon a death?

A) It is suggested to review Bequests in the Digest of Al-Anon and Alateen Policies (P25)

Q) Why can’t the words in the 12 steps be changed?

A) The 12 Steps, 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts of Service are copyrighted. Additionally Tradition 4: Each group should be autonomous, except in matters affecting other Alateen and Al-Anon Family Groups or AA as a whole. Changing the 12 Steps would affect these other programs. See the below memorandum from WSO about READING THE STEPS.

Q) What is kept in the Oregon Area Archives? Where are they kept? How do I have something stored with the Archives?

A) There is a Guideline for the OREGON AREA ARCHIVES, there is also information in the Oregon Area Handbook, under the position description of the Archivist. The Archives are kept in a storage facility procured by the Archives Coordinator. If you have something you feel should have been placed with the archives please contact the Archive Coordinator. Just a reminder these are Oregon Area Archives, not group archives.

Q) What is KBDM?

A) KBDM stands for Knowledge Based Decision Making. It is a process to come to an Informed Group Conscience.

Q) Is Al-Anon a religious program?

A) Al-Anon is not a religious program. It is not affiliated with any religion. While some groups may meet at churches. Al-Anon does not support or endorse any faith or denomination. Al-Anon is a spiritual program, which means members are encouraged to develop a relationship with a Higher Power of their choosing.

Q) Do you have any ideas on how my group can retain members?

A) The 2014 Membership Outreach Action Committee created a Best Practices for Member Retention.