District 10
Washington, Clackamas (West), Multnomah (South) Counties
Serenidad en Accion gfa
WSO Group ID 30571543
9:00 am
Suite 230
Spanish Speaking
New Member Focus
Families and Friends Only
Love and Service AFG
New Me AFG
WSO Group ID 28974
7:00 pm
Tualatin, OR 97062
Room 223 (upstairs)
Handicap access and fragrance free
Tigard Monday Night AFG
WSO Group ID 11945
7:15 pm
St James Episcopal Church
Enter through back downstairs door
Mantenlo Simple GFA
WSO Group ID 30628799
7:00 pm
De Persona Solamente
Spanish Speaking
westside monday night afg
everyone needs afg
WSO Group ID 30782101
7:00 pm
St. John’s the Baptist Greek Church
(Look for signs)
Family Lake Oswego AFG
WSO Group ID 23916
7:30 pm
• Not meeting on 12/24/24
• Will be meeting on 12/31/24
Christ Episcopal Church
Lake Oswego
Guild Room
Bent But Not Broken AFG
WSO Group ID 30611550
7:00 pm
Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church
Building closest parking lot, left entrance
Meeting ID: 414 3579 105
Email bent.not.broken.al@gmail.com for password
Safe Haven AFG
The Do’s And Don’ts
tigard legacy afg
WSO Group ID 30828272
7:00 p.m.
Tigard United Methodist Church
Tigard, OR 97223
We meet in the small dining room downstairs, follow the signs.
GFA Grupo Nueva Vida Portland
WSO Group ID 62884
5:30 pm
Precione aqui para unirse a la junta
Junta Regular para compartir
Meeting ID: 827 0684 3012
7:00 pm
Taller de Estudio con Oradores
Meeting ID: 544 005 5506
Clave: 7isxK9
English Translation: In Person Meeting Suspended Temporarily
5:30 pm: Regular Sharing Meeting
Meeting ID: 544 005 5506
Password: 7isxK9
7:00 pm: Workshop/Speaker Meeting
Meeting ID: 827 0684 3012
Spanish Speaking
Hillsboro Friday Night afg
WSO Group ID 49255
7:00 pm
UCC/Congregational Church
Hillsboro, OR 97123
Enter from the Main Street Side
Door locked at 7:15 p.m.
Just for me afg
WSO Group ID 49255
7:30 pm
Living Savior Lutheran Church
Go in main doors
Upstairs room 217
Handicap Access
Westside Newcomers Meeting afg
WSO Group ID 46981
9:00 am
In-person meeting suspended
Zoom Meeting ID: 856 2606 9321
Passcode: 707540
New member focus
Love, Gifts, and GratitudE afg
WSO Group ID 54638
10:00 am to 11:30 am
Center For Spiritual Living
Lake Oswego
Fireside room
Meeting ID: 380 190 659
Password: 681639
Found an error?
Contact the District Representative at district-10@oregonal-anon.org